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Turmeric for Dogs: A Beginner’s Guide (With Recipes!)

Turmeric for Dogs: A Beginner’s Guide (With Recipes!)

Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay Inflammation is behind many of the chronic illnesses that plague both humans and pets. One of the best ways to deal with it is through the diet.  Today we’re talking about a superfood that you can easily add to your dog’s meals that might help him stay active as he ages. This amazing food is the yellow/orange root, turmeric. What is Turmeric? Native to Asia, Turmeric is a plant in the ginger family that is often used in Indian cuisine as a flavor or color booster. It has a very distinctive earthy flavor and…
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Aromatherapy For Dogs: The Basics and Safety Precautions

Aromatherapy For Dogs: The Basics and Safety Precautions

If you have a senior dog or one with a lot of health issues, you may like the idea of trying dog aromatherapy. With more people turning to holistic treatments for themselves as well as their pets, you’re definitely not alone. But you might be wondering, “Are essential oils safe for dogs to smell?” And that’s a good question to be asking.  While most oils are safe for us humans to smell, some can be very toxic to dogs. The short answer is that aromatherapy can be safe for your dog as long as you follow certain precautions. How Does…
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Pet Disaster Preparedness: How To Include Your Large, Senior Dog

Pet Disaster Preparedness: How To Include Your Large, Senior Dog

This month is National Pet Preparedness Month and so I thought we’d talk about why it’s important to have an emergency plan, not just for yourself and your human family, but also for your dog. June is the start of the hurricane season in the US. Tornados and wildfires are also prevalent this time of year.  With more severe weather events and other disaster incidents occurring every year, having a plan for both human and pet safety is no longer an option. There are local, state, and federal government agencies dedicated to planning for these incidents. But multiple incidents have…
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Acupuncture for Dogs: An Overview

Acupuncture for Dogs: An Overview

I’ve always advocated taking a holistic view of both animal and human health. That means combining the most appropriate interventions from conventional medicine and alternative medicine to get a customized plan.  Acupuncture is one of those alternative treatments that isn’t even all that alternative anymore. It's been widely recognized to be helpful for a variety of conditions. You might even find that many insurance companies cover it for use in people. But did you know that its also frequently used in animals as well?  Today we’re going to take a look at acupuncture for dogs and how it might help…
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Age-related Hearing Loss in Dogs

Age-related Hearing Loss in Dogs

Image by Capri23auto from Pixabay Sometimes I think my dog is losing his hearing.   He doesn’t always come when I call him. He also once let a door-to-door salesman get all the way up to the porch before he started barking (but you should have seen how fast that man left once he did). But he also comes running from the other side of the house whenever a plastic bag of shredded cheese is opened. So I guess his hearing might be OK after all.   But, just like humans, hearing loss in dogs is something that can happen with age.…
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Understanding the Causes and Early Signs of Canine Arthritis

Understanding the Causes and Early Signs of Canine Arthritis

Image by Annemieke Weverbergh from Pixabay Have you noticed your dog: Running in the yard or park less than they used toStruggling to climb up on the couch (if you let him) or into the car for ridesTaking longer to lay dog or get up or be unable to find a comfortable positionJust isn’t as active as he used to be Your mutt could be suffering from canine arthritis. Arthritis is quite common in both dogs and human beings.  But what causes it? And how do you spot the signs? In simple terms, arthritis refers to inflammation of joints as…
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Is It Canine Cognitive Dysfunction/ Dog Dementia?

Is It Canine Cognitive Dysfunction/ Dog Dementia?

Your big old mutt has been with you for years. He’s been a loyal companion through new places, new children, new pastimes, and new adventures. He is still with you, but something's not quite the same. We’re accustomed to hearing about aging people, but your pet is aging too and might be experiencing cognitive decline.  This is the ultimate new adventure as you strive to keep the best quality of life for your friend. Experts say that a large dog seems to age faster than smaller breeds. Sadly, he may have a shorter life span.  As your dog ages, you…
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It’s Not Easy Being an Overweight Dog: What You Need To Know About Obesity in Senior, Large Breed Dogs

It’s Not Easy Being an Overweight Dog: What You Need To Know About Obesity in Senior, Large Breed Dogs

 Look, I love a big, squishy pet as much as the next person.  Scratching their adorable doggy fat rolls. Trying to breathe as they sit on your lap, crushing you on the couch with their big ol’ dog butts. Giving them all the treats because they are just so fabulous for existing. But this love is hurting our pets.  Dog obesity has become a common problem in the United States and Europe. And these weight problems are especially pressing for senior dogs.  If your senior dog is overweight, you’re going to have to work with your vet to help your…
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How to Cool Down a Dog This Summer

How to Cool Down a Dog This Summer

The Dog Days of Summer Did you know that there are actual dates for the Dog Days of Summer? I did not until a couple of minutes ago. The term originally referred to the days when the star Sirius (the Dog Star) was visible in the sky before dawn. It was bright enough that the ancient Greeks thought that it added heat to the Sun and caused the days to be the hottest of the year. The 40 days around this event became known as the Dog Days of Summer. But the Earth’s rotation isn’t fixed and so the positions…
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Holistic Vet Care and the Large, Senior Dog

Holistic Vet Care and the Large, Senior Dog

The word “holistic” often brings up a lot of misconceptions. Many people associate it with words like “green” and “natural” that have been a bit overused. You might picture someone who rejects modern medicine in favor of wacky alternative therapies. Who hands you some crystals and tells you your dog’s chakras need aligning. But while there definitely are woo-woo practitioners in both human and vet medicine, using a veterinarian who integrates conventional and holistic practices can greatly improve your dog’s well-being. Holistic veterinarians still stay up to date on the latest advancements in modern vet care, such as medications and…
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