Aromatherapy For Dogs: The Basics and Safety Precautions

Aromatherapy For Dogs: The Basics and Safety Precautions

If you have a senior dog or one with a lot of health issues, you may like the idea of trying dog aromatherapy. With more people turning to holistic treatments for themselves as well as their pets, you’re definitely not alone. But you might be wondering, “Are essential oils safe for dogs to smell?” And that’s a good question to be asking.  While most oils are safe for us humans to smell, some can be very toxic to dogs. The short answer is that aromatherapy can be safe for your dog as long as you follow certain precautions. How Does…
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Acupuncture for Dogs: An Overview

Acupuncture for Dogs: An Overview

I’ve always advocated taking a holistic view of both animal and human health. That means combining the most appropriate interventions from conventional medicine and alternative medicine to get a customized plan.  Acupuncture is one of those alternative treatments that isn’t even all that alternative anymore. It's been widely recognized to be helpful for a variety of conditions. You might even find that many insurance companies cover it for use in people. But did you know that its also frequently used in animals as well?  Today we’re going to take a look at acupuncture for dogs and how it might help…
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Holistic Vet Care and the Large, Senior Dog

Holistic Vet Care and the Large, Senior Dog

The word “holistic” often brings up a lot of misconceptions. Many people associate it with words like “green” and “natural” that have been a bit overused. You might picture someone who rejects modern medicine in favor of wacky alternative therapies. Who hands you some crystals and tells you your dog’s chakras need aligning. But while there definitely are woo-woo practitioners in both human and vet medicine, using a veterinarian who integrates conventional and holistic practices can greatly improve your dog’s well-being. Holistic veterinarians still stay up to date on the latest advancements in modern vet care, such as medications and…
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Home Dental Care for Senior, Large Breed Dogs

Home Dental Care for Senior, Large Breed Dogs

You love your big, old mutt just much as any other member of the family. But do you know as much about dental care for your four-legged children as your human ones? How you care for your senior, large breed dog’s teeth will affect the health of the whole dog as he ages. We rely on our veterinarians to help us take better care of our canine companions. And this is especially true with regard to dental care. But there are ways that you can help to keep your dog’s mouth healthy in between visits to the vet. Paying attention…
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How to Tell if Your Senior Dog is Losing Vision and What You Can Do

How to Tell if Your Senior Dog is Losing Vision and What You Can Do

Are you concerned about your older dog who seems to not see objects as he used to? If your senior dog is losing vision, what can you do about it? What should you be looking for? Dogs, like people, tend to experience changes in their eyesight as they grow older. Since they don't need to concern themselves with reading any fine print, many of these changes can initially go unnoticed. However, knowing the signs of visual deterioration in dogs and some of the predisposing factors can lead to earlier detection and may give you more treatment options. Spotting Vision Loss…
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The 4 Easiest Ways to Keep Your Senior Dog Moving

The 4 Easiest Ways to Keep Your Senior Dog Moving

Hey there! Its April and its finally getting to be somewhat not-winter outside. Its also Canine Fitness Month! We already covered some general nutrition guidelines for your aging dog. So now let's talk about some ways to keep your senior dog moving. Exercise is integral for all dogs. It prevents injury, arthritis complications, obesity, and provides health advantages for pups of all ages. Especially for senior dogs, exercise is a necessary component of a healthy life. Senior dogs who fall under the larger breed umbrella, in particular, benefit from daily exercise, as their joints are often more susceptible to the…
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