Age-related Hearing Loss in Dogs

Age-related Hearing Loss in Dogs

Image by Capri23auto from Pixabay Sometimes I think my dog is losing his hearing.   He doesn’t always come when I call him. He also once let a door-to-door salesman get all the way up to the porch before he started barking (but you should have seen how fast that man left once he did). But he also comes running from the other side of the house whenever a plastic bag of shredded cheese is opened. So I guess his hearing might be OK after all.   But, just like humans, hearing loss in dogs is something that can happen with age.…
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Understanding the Causes and Early Signs of Canine Arthritis

Understanding the Causes and Early Signs of Canine Arthritis

Image by Annemieke Weverbergh from Pixabay Have you noticed your dog: Running in the yard or park less than they used toStruggling to climb up on the couch (if you let him) or into the car for ridesTaking longer to lay dog or get up or be unable to find a comfortable positionJust isn’t as active as he used to be Your mutt could be suffering from canine arthritis. Arthritis is quite common in both dogs and human beings.  But what causes it? And how do you spot the signs? In simple terms, arthritis refers to inflammation of joints as…
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Is It Canine Cognitive Dysfunction/ Dog Dementia?

Is It Canine Cognitive Dysfunction/ Dog Dementia?

Your big old mutt has been with you for years. He’s been a loyal companion through new places, new children, new pastimes, and new adventures. He is still with you, but something's not quite the same. We’re accustomed to hearing about aging people, but your pet is aging too and might be experiencing cognitive decline.  This is the ultimate new adventure as you strive to keep the best quality of life for your friend. Experts say that a large dog seems to age faster than smaller breeds. Sadly, he may have a shorter life span.  As your dog ages, you…
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It’s Not Easy Being an Overweight Dog: What You Need To Know About Obesity in Senior, Large Breed Dogs

It’s Not Easy Being an Overweight Dog: What You Need To Know About Obesity in Senior, Large Breed Dogs

 Look, I love a big, squishy pet as much as the next person.  Scratching their adorable doggy fat rolls. Trying to breathe as they sit on your lap, crushing you on the couch with their big ol’ dog butts. Giving them all the treats because they are just so fabulous for existing. But this love is hurting our pets.  Dog obesity has become a common problem in the United States and Europe. And these weight problems are especially pressing for senior dogs.  If your senior dog is overweight, you’re going to have to work with your vet to help your…
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Understanding the Causes of Urinary Incontinence in Your Senior Dog

Understanding the Causes of Urinary Incontinence in Your Senior Dog

What is the first thing you taught your dog when he was a puppy? What was one of the first things you asked about when you found a dog you might want to adopt? I bet it was house-training. And for a good reason. It’s kind of a big deal.   I think we can all agree that a house that smells like pee is pretty much the last place you want to live. When I was researching the questions that people were asking about caring for their aging dog, one of the biggest topics was urinary incontinence. Many people…
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Home Dental Care for Senior, Large Breed Dogs

Home Dental Care for Senior, Large Breed Dogs

You love your big, old mutt just much as any other member of the family. But do you know as much about dental care for your four-legged children as your human ones? How you care for your senior, large breed dog’s teeth will affect the health of the whole dog as he ages. We rely on our veterinarians to help us take better care of our canine companions. And this is especially true with regard to dental care. But there are ways that you can help to keep your dog’s mouth healthy in between visits to the vet. Paying attention…
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How to Tell if Your Senior Dog is Losing Vision and What You Can Do

How to Tell if Your Senior Dog is Losing Vision and What You Can Do

Are you concerned about your older dog who seems to not see objects as he used to? If your senior dog is losing vision, what can you do about it? What should you be looking for? Dogs, like people, tend to experience changes in their eyesight as they grow older. Since they don't need to concern themselves with reading any fine print, many of these changes can initially go unnoticed. However, knowing the signs of visual deterioration in dogs and some of the predisposing factors can lead to earlier detection and may give you more treatment options. Spotting Vision Loss…
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